The NJROTC program was established by Public Law in 1964. The program is conducted at accredited secondary schools throughout the nation, by instructors who are retired Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard officers and enlisted personnel. The NJROTC curriculum emphasizes citizenship and leadership development, as well as our maritime heritage, the significance of sea power, and naval topics such as the fundamentals of naval operations, seamanship, navigation and meteorology. Classroom instruction is augmented throughout the year by community service activities, drill competitions, visits to naval activities, marksmanship training, physical fitness training, and other military training. Uniforms, textbooks, training aids, travel allowance, and a substantial portion of instructors' salaries are provided by the Navy.
Promote patriotism.
Develop informed and responsible citizens.
Promote habits of orderliness and precision.
Develop a high degree of honor, courage, and commitment.
Promote an understanding of the basic elements and requirements of national securities.
Develop respect for and an understanding of the need for constituted authority.
Provide incentives to live healthy lives.
Develop leadership potential.
Promote high school completion via improved study and learning skills.
Provide information regarding college, civilian, and military career possibilities.
JROTC is a Career and Technical Education course thats goal is not to recruit you into the military, but to give you an idea of what it would be like if you were to go into the military. The Junior Reserved Officers' Training Corps instills in students' secondary educational institutions the values of citizenship, service to the United States, and personal responsibility and a sense of accomplishment.